All posts by gregory

ACET Uganda: Christian responses to transform life & Source of learning

ACET LOGOACET (AIDS CARE Education and Training) Uganda, is a non – government organization that has been in existence since 1990. It is committed to the development of appropriate responses to HIV and AIDS initiatives and community development programmes. ACET Uganda is an indigenous organization recognized by the UAC (Uganda AIDS Commission) and a founder member of UNASO (Uganda Network of AIDS Service Organizations).

ACET Uganda has a mandate to model youth interventions and to develop leaders in the HIV response. For the organization to be able to fulfil this, it has developed a wide range of networks at local and international levels that have seen it facilitate the development of capacity to address HIV and related issues.

ACET Uganda is a member of CaRNaC (Children at Risk National Collaboration) and Micah Network and a beneficiary of the ICCO Alliance.